AVC - Valuation of Cement Plants

Services - Interactive Valuation Maps

AVC are pleased to offer interactive valuation maps, which fully support our valuation reports, as one of our additional services.

AVC, in collaboration with a Company called 74i Ltd, offer a new innovative report tool to make our valuations even easier to understand. We can supply interactive images as support for our valuations to assist our Clients, and insurance advisors, in understanding the extent of the risk as well as the value at risk. The systems simple and intuitive controls make for effortless navigation, and the easy to understand interative images are superb.

This system also works well for financial valuations, where assets can be identified by location on the interactive image.

AVC Services - Interactive Valuation Map (Screen Shot)

In addition, this easy to navigate system can include links to attachments, including:

Screenshot Major Item Asset Listing (in any format)
Major Item Asset Listing with Individual Values (in any format)
Reports/Presentations etc
Maintenance Schedules
Asset Registers
Any Other Document

If you wish to discuss any aspect of our interactive valuation maps, please email us at valuations@avcltd.com

Webdesign and construction: vagner.co.uk  ¦  Site map ¦ © Appraisal & Valuation Consultants Ltd 2013